Loving My AC

I think, just about everyone knows one of those people that is always cold.

  • I am that person.

Ever since I was a child, I have always been the cold one. When everyone else busts out their shorts and t-shirts for the spring/summer, I am still bundled up in a few layers. My mom always told me that I was cold all of the time because I was too thin. I have since gained weight, and I am at the weight that I should be for my size, and I am still cold. I personally think that I have poor circulation, but I have been to the doctors about it, and everything checked out fine. I have lived with being cold my entire life and I was pretty used to it, but then, I got pregnant. Pregnancy changed everything for me! I went from being cold all of the time and never once using an air conditioner even in the hot summer months to being hot 24/7 and begging my husband to go and buy us an air conditioner for our bedroom window. I knew that if I had an air conditioner in the bedroom, I would at least be able to get a good night’s rest. My sweet hubby went above and beyond what I asked and bought us two air conditioners. One was for our bedroom and the other was for the living room which would essentially cool the entire downstairs. I can’t thank him enough for buying those air conditioners for me. I am now able to stay nice and cool throughout the day and night. I love my new air conditioners, and it’s crazy to me that I would even say that because I used to be the one that was always cold!
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