The anti-wrinkle forehead injections looked painful.

I was watching a doctor’s show the other day, and they were showing a doctor doing anti-wrinkle forehead injections.

  • They were talking about the many ways a good plastic surgeon, or specialist could turn back the clock by ten years or more.

One of their way was anti-wrinkle forehead injections. There were different things they could inject which includes PRP, collagen, and botox. They were the only three I was familiar with, so they were the only three I remembered. I also remembered how still the man was sitting when they did the anti-wrinkle forehead injections. I had to use needles every day because I was diabetic, and they really hurt. I couldn’t imagine having the needle put in several times. With an hour, you could already see the results of the anti-wrinkle forehead injections appearing, but it wasn’t good enough for me. The anti-wrinkle forehead injections looked painful, and I couldn’t imagine going through them willingly. When my mom told me I was a big baby, I had to laugh. She told me I was a young man, and there was nothing wrong with wanting to look good. She was almost seventy and had recently had botox injections to get rid of the ridges around her eyes and mouth. I didn’t even know my mom knew what botox injections were, but I noticed she looked a lot younger than her almost seventy. I decided I should call the local doctor who did anti-wrinkle forehead injections and talked to him about the process. I was glad when he said they could give me a mild sedative before doing the injections.


Microneedling for strechmarks