I only have one thing to say about my new fireplace

My husband is a sweetheart.

He is really good at listening to what I say even if I don’t realize it. Sometimes, I don’t think that he is listening, but I find out later that he really is. I have hinted here and there that I wanted a fireplace for our house, and I did not think that my husband ever heard it. He never commented or asked any questions about it. I did not know that he even heard me until Christmas day. I saw a rather large box next to the Christmas tree with my name on it. I was a little confused by it because I can usually guess everything that my husband gets me for Christmas. I had no idea what that box was though. I tried to guess, but I got it wrong every time. I finally opened it on Christmas morning and found a fireplace inside. I was so shocked that I screamed in excitement. My husband was so thrilled that he was able to surprise me for once. I absolutely love the fireplace. It is a beautiful cherry wood color which goes with the rest of the wood in the living room. It is electric which means I don’t have to worry about keeping wood in it to keep it going. It is really nice, and the only thing that I have to say about it is that it is everything that I have ever wanted in a fireplace. It makes my living room so warm and cozy. I would sit in there all day if I could get away with it.

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