A Ton of Cooling

I’m the type of person that enjoys doing activities outside.

Even if it’s raining out I will dress to the weather to make sure I can still enjoy the activity.

One activity that I really like doing is running. Running is great for me, it’s a big stress reliever and allows me to unwind after a long day. I try to avoid the heat outside when I’m running so I don’t get a heat stroke. Plus I don’t like to get really sweaty. If I do have to run outside on a hot day, I will make sure that my programmable thermostat is set low so my air conditioning unit can kick on once I’m finished my run. Since winter is coming up shortly, I have set an appointment with my HVAC technician to have him prepare my HVAC system. When we was inspecting my equipment, he was filling me in on some air conditioning history. Many years ago when air conditioning wasn’t invented yet, cooling a building or freezer was done by saving and using big blocks of ice. People would measure the amount of ice that would be used as the capacity of keeping something cool. This is where the term “ton” came from when people refer to a ton of cooling. In modern terms now, a ton of cooling means that an air conditioning unit is delivering 12,000 BTU’s per hour of cooling. This was very interesting to me considering the fact that I don’t know a lot about HVAC systems.

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