An Air Conditioner for my Birthday

I love to look back on my childhood days; I have so many fond memories. My parents were the best parents that I could have ever asked for. Although we were poor growing up, I never even realized it because of how much my parents sacrificed for us kids. I can remember when I was about to turn eleven years old, and I only wanted one thing for my birthday, an air conditioner. I can remember my mom asking me about a month before my birthday what I wanted most of all just like she asked us every year. I told her that the only thing that I really wanted was an air conditioner. We had one air conditioner in the living room, and it kept most of the downstairs cool during the hot summer months, but the upstairs where my and my sisters’ bedroom was located was quite hot.. I wanted to help make all of us more comfortable by getting an air conditioner to put in our bedroom window. I could tell that my mom didn’t believe me at first when I said I wanted an air conditioner because she asked two more times that week. When my birthday finally came, I opened up my presents from my friends and grandparents and last of all my present from my parents. It was a large heavy box and I was super excited to see if it was what I had asked for. It was! I got an air conditioner for my birthday, and I was more excited for that present than any other present I had ever gotten. My dad installed it in our room, and we were cool every night from that night on for the rest of my childhood.
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