Looking forward to waiting in the doctor’s office

Most people dread going to the doctor for one reason or another.

In some cases it is the fear of finding out that something is really wrong, but, I think the main reason is the fact that you are left in the waiting room for far too long.

Then, once you are in the exam room, you could be there for an additional half hour or longer waiting to see the physician. I have to tell you that I actually look forward to spending time at my Dr’s office. I don’t want to visit because I am sick, I want to visit there because they have a much better HVAC system than I do in my apartment. To start with the insulation in my building is shot and any heat or air conditioning that does work doesn’t stay in my apartment. The HVAC units that are installed are so old that they run non stop and cost a fortune run too. So, if I am stuck sitting in a perfectly comfortable waiting room for hours I have no problem with it. I will gladly spend an afternoon relaxing there. I take a book with me and find the most comfortable chair in the place. I make my appointments in the late afternoon when I know the office will be busy and I can hang out longer. Sometimes I even offer to let other patients go before me to prolong my stay. I also tend to hang out at the local book store, theaters, and the mall for the same reasons. One day I will have a better apartment and hopefully not have to go to such lengths just to find comfort.


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