Constant barking is driving me nuts

Around the middle of May we bought a new puppy.

I should say we adopted it from a local shelter but it cost as much as one from a breeder so I view it as a purchase.

Roxey is a small poodle mix and is smart as a whip most of the time. The kids just love her and she adores them as well. As the temperatures are turning colder now we have begun to worry about taking her outside. She is just a tiny thing and I fear that she will be too cold. She did do something funny the other day that made us laugh though, she started barking at the heat register. We laughed at first I should say because each time the heat came on she would run to the register and start barking again. You see, the registers make a clicking noise as the hot water starts to run through them. Roxey must think that something is in there because she barks to try and get it to go away. I have tried sitting on the floor next to the register and assuring her that all is well but she just doesn’t see it that way. We have started ignoring the barking and praising the quiet so that she will learn that it is better to be silent. I even put a blanket next to the register hoping that she will love laying next to the heat it provides. The constant need to bark has to stop soon. Eventually she will get used to this new noise and I hope it is sooner rather than later.

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