The house next to ours just burnt down because of a space heater

I have always been afraid of using space heaters in our house, and now, I definitely have a reason to be. Our neighbors house, right next to ours, just burnt down yesterday because of a space heater. I don’t like to talk bad about people, but our neighbors were not the kind of people that you wanted to live next to. They were constantly screaming and fighting throughout the day and night. They were not easy people to get along with, but we tried our best to be kind to them. They did not pay their gas bill for so long that the gas company turned off their gas. Because of that, they did not have a working furnace. Their only source of heat was electric space heaters. They had about three of them in their house. They used them 24/7, and they did not make sure that the outlets were made for that much use. I tried to warn them about using only electric space heaters 24/7. It was definitely not a good idea, and it was a fire hazard. Everytime I mentioned it, they told me that they were about to get their gas turned back on, but it never happened. They just continued to use their electric space heaters. It would have been cheaper for them to use their gas furnace, but I don’t think that they cared at that point. I feel so bad about their house, but thankfully, no one was hurt. I hope that they make better choices for heating their new house

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